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  1. VioletAshes

    VioletAshes Porno Junky

    Jul 6, 2008
    For America to become sole ruler of the world. It's not a too distant dream.
  2. PeliSM

    PeliSM Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Jul 7, 2010
    God, Family, Country. The way my priorities lie. But in my opinion if I were chosen to lay my life down for my country I do it for my family as well.
  3. a7xsfan

    a7xsfan Porn Surfer

    Apr 2, 2010
    In before a Klondike Bar
  4. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    How can a nation of 300 million souls, be the sole leader of the world? We can not even agree on who should lead us and to where.
  5. Whitey44

    Whitey44 Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2008
    My kids.
  6. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    I'd die for a really good cheeseburger and fries...I hate diets...:laughing:
  7. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
  8. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Here you go. Grab on to this 1,320 volt line.
  9. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    Prove it.:twisted:

    I would die trying to save my daughter or any other innocent, from some one, if I knew that there was a chance to survive. If no chance then I'd live for revenge.
  10. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Prove it exists, and I'll recant forthwith. :)
  11. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Wasn't this Hitler's dream for Germany?

    No matter....I suspect that this particular ship has sailed, and if you ask me, it would be a great thing if Americans stopped thinking about the possibility.
  12. ricklies

    ricklies Newcumer

    Jul 8, 2010
    i am built to survive its in my species. i would die only after i live long enough to ensure that my last name does not die
  13. yagamilight

    yagamilight Resident Shinigami

    Mar 18, 2008
    People that say America make me angry.
    I wouldn't die for anything, call me selfish, but that's just my opinion
  14. coloradoblueyes

    coloradoblueyes Porn Star Suspended!

    Feb 2, 2008
    Prepare to be angered. My country, and my children.
  15. DanteAlighieri

    DanteAlighieri Porno Junky Suspended!

    Jul 2, 2010
    That would be easy enough to do, but first we'd have to come to an understanding on a definable heaven. Consciousness exists outside of our reality and thousands upon thousands of supernatural, out of body experiences --experiences that could not be forged, such as knowing what your family was saying 2 floors below-- have been documented at the time of death. Science also supports the idea of an afterlife. According to string theory, everything gains its mass, shape and definition on this plain from the vibratory frequency of this plain of reality and to exit this plain of existence, your energy need only enter into a plain with a different frequency of vibration (no naughty jokes). Not only that, but string theory dictates that there are multiple dimensions outside of our own that would be accessible on different frequencies. More and more we accept that all things are constructed of energy and energy can never die, only change. And consciousness, which is recognized as a unique form of energy, would not die were it without a physical body, like all energy, consciousness cannot die, and it is assumed that the frequency of its existence would simply change. This new frequency being "heaven."

    Most people who suffer death and come back or have near death experiences describe being embraced by loved ones and being at peace on the other side. Many times this happens when there is no detection of brain activity. To assume that these experiences, along with the science of consciousness, are mere infinite coincidences, is rather childish. It is quite ironic, because as science forges ahead, it is not going where most people wanted it to go. And while you obviously cannot have definite proof of heaven, such as a youtube video; the shoe has switched to the other foot, and science is beginning to support the supernatural. Those who mock to the idea of existing after death are beginning to look like the fools, and those they had been mocking for the very idea of a soul, are beginning to look justified.
  16. Obscene Cupcake

    Obscene Cupcake sexy fluffzilla

    Jul 1, 2010
    :l my laptop. Seriously, if it were working and someone tried to rob me at gunpoint.... I would tell him to just shoot me because I'd rather go to the ER and risk death than hand it over
  17. MissMonica

    MissMonica Sex Machine

    Nov 10, 2009
  18. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    I knew this guy sounded familiar...Harddrive, is that you?
  19. hotjohn4321

    hotjohn4321 Porn Star

    Apr 20, 2010
    Heard it said

    I once read a quote "there are things worth dying for but I have not found any worth KILLING for"

    The answers here are all academic as I assume everyone that has answered is still alive and has not DIED for anything.
    I personally do not know until that moment what I will die for.

    Good question and lots of interesting answers.
  20. TheNouZ

    TheNouZ Porno Junky

    May 23, 2010
    Now I understand the science behind the idear of energi never disappearing, just changing form. Like whenever we light something on fire and allthough it seems to disappear, the energi within the matter are acually just turning into heat which is another form of energi. But nowhere other then when talking spirituality have I ever heard someone say our consciousness is energi.. I have never read anything scientific which supports the idea of an afterlife. And if you're going to say near death experiences indicate proof of afterlife, you should also be willing to say deja vu indicates peoples abillity to tell the future. (which it doesn't)I could tell you why, but I don't have time to write more right now.

    Personally I don't think there's anything I can say I would die for. But if I ever come to a situation where my death could save someone I love, then I hope I don't hesitate.