IIRC he's not into that (he also thinks "torn hymen = not a virgin" is a dumb trope that needs to die, so eh).
Probably for the best, but that also seems to indicate that "virginity" is more of a narrative device for him, to make the slow burn a bit more believable with some of the girls.
Which also leads to the fact, that Nancy and Alex already had full sex at only their 2nd scene, while Penny technically had 3 scenes, but the first one essentially was only a spicy photo shoot and not really that intimate...like that was more of a nude and less of a sex scene, if I remember right.
Dalia, Annie and Luna however all had 2 or even 3 scenes without a penetration, adding to the idea that the virgins are a bit of a slower burn still.
In the end leaving out any blood either way of course also leads to more ambiguity.
We already have tons of HS1/HS2 games starring an average joe-looking protag with average physiques. God forbid an author basically tries something new and make their character stand out from the crowd only for you guys to say "no I want his average LN MC-ass figure back."
For one I like to play a bit more buffed out character and in this case it also has some story implications, so he isn't just beefier for the heck of it...I like it.